Murfreesboro Tennessee Wedding & Family Photography



Wedding Photography

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Newborn Photographer $300- 1 hour session, 50 images

Senior Portraits

$350 - 1 1/2 hour session, 2 outfit changes, 1 location, 50 images

$500- 2 hour session, multiple outfit changes, 2 locations, 75 images

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Family Photography

$150- 1 hour session, 50 images

Head Shots

$100 - 30 min session, 10 images

Engagement Photography

$400- 1 hour session, 2 outfit changes, 50 images

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Creative Photography (Custom Shoot)

$400 1 1/2 hour session, multiple outfit changes, 50 images

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      Call us
Tee 615-483-5342
 Alley 615-785-7377

Let's Get Together


We are a mother-daughter team that started out just doing real estate photography in Murfreesboro, decided we wanted to interact with a wider community, and now we do it all! As a family run business, comfort is everything. It is our goal to make our client feel comfort and ease during the shoot. We love to have fun as well, so feel free to have those goofy moments. Be honest if you don't like a certain pose or shot, you won't hurt our feelings a bit. You have the right to control the way your pictures look! Thank you for taking the time to get to know us and we hope to see you soon!- Tee & Alley

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